The game developers (EpicForce) make you pay for future updates/versions of this game!
I downloaded this game months ago for only $0.99, and have the iTunes Store receipt to prove it.
On April 28th 2010, I downloaded this exact same game and it charged me $1.99!
Ive looked over the game to see if there was any big changes to warrant purchasing this game twice, but there is no difference.
Both versions have the same game play, same graphics, same interface, etc.
Been on the phone with Apple Support for the past 30 minutes only to find out that the game seller (EpicForce), removed "ChocChocPop" off from the App Store and then turned around and had it added back into the App Store listed as a "brand new" game under the same name!
Everyone who bought it before, has to pay double for it all over again if we wish to ever continue playing it.
Worse yet, there is no disclaimer to tell customers that they are about to be charged more money.
By the time you download what you think is a free update, its too late.
It is a shame that every once in a while, developers are able to pull the wool over Apples eyes, so to speak. Because developers know that Apple will not provide billing or technical support on 3rd party iTunes Store Applications/Games for we the customers. So no, Apple will not reimburse you.
Im all for supporting the game developers, I purchase hundreds of apps and games each year on my iPhone.
Now, you may be thinking, "its only $1.99".
The price alone isnt the problem.
Its the ethics behind EpicForces methods... sneaky and underhanded.
How many others have been double billed? Ones who didnt write reviews, or whos reviews may be long past.
What if EpicForce continues this scam like trend on their other games and future games?
Worse yet, other developers may start to do the same thing to us, the paying customers. (It does happen already)
I have tried contacting EpicForce via email and the App Store Report function, though I have not received a reply. I hope at least someone on the dev team can read/write English, (for ChocChocPop is made in Hong Kong).
Next time you make an update, either make it free, or release it to the App Store under a completely different name, please.
Bug fixes and/or small improvements are a normal part of the process for the continual development and improvement of games. They are not to be used as an excuse to pry more money out of your customers.
Thank You.
Aori about ChocChocPop